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Skip repeated menu and go directly to page content. Division of Business and Financial Affairs. Business Operations Enterprise Technology Services. Each BFA DARE is the liaison between ADS Technicians and Department Users. ADS also maintains a database of service requests and inventory assets.
Skip repeated menu and go directly to page content. Faculty and Affiliated Employment Opportunities Home. Staff and Management Employment Opportunities. College of Arts and Letters. College of Health and Human Services. College of Professional Studies and Fine Arts.
PALASSO är ett system som flexibelt kan anpassas till olika avtalsområden, både genom systemets utformning och den kompetens Logica i Karlstad kan tillhandahålla i form av support och konsulttjänster. PALASSO ägs i sin helhet av CGI. I Karlstad har vi egen kompetens för utveckling och förvaltning, vilket är en garanti för säkerhet och stabilitet i leverantörsrollen och för ett förmånligt pris.
If you see this page, the nginx web server is successfully installed and working. For online documentation and support please refer to nginx. Commercial support is available at nginx. Thank you for using nginx.
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Povjerenstvo za sukob interesa istražuje zapošljavanje Plenkovićeva šogora. ZAGREB - Slučaj premijerova šogora Ivana Maslaća, koji je bez javnog natječaja zaposlen na mjesto komercijalnog direktora Zračne luke Dubrovnik tema je Povjerenstva za odlučivanje o sukobu interesa. ZAGREB - Pesimizam na Zagrebačkoj burzi uhvatio je korijenje u drugoj polovini ožujka.
Awards, achievements and service activities.